You can also achieve this by clicking the app's icon in the Dock - this method will also switch. To go to the previous window, press + Shift + Tab. To go to the next window, press + Tab when Safari is open. Then use left/right keys to navigate to the desired window across spaces and desktops. More Mac shortcuts for Switcher: hold and press Q to close an app hold and press H to hide an app hold and press Esc or period (.) to quit Switcher You can use similar keys to switch windows in Safari. Contrary to popular belief, Macs are not immune to them – but the likelihood is far lower. To overcome this, use Cmd Tab as usual and on the icon of the application you want to switch windows in press the down arrow key (with Cmd still pressed).
#Switch windows mac keyboard shortcut software#
Find An Antivirus Software You Like & Download Itįor various reasons both technical and not, Apple computers are not prone to picking up computer viruses. This makes switching back and forth between using a Mac and PC a bit frustrating, as the user must adjust the position of their fingers after each switch to utilize all of the important keyboard shortcuts in Windows and OS X. Online Tech Tips has an article dedicated to Windows keyboard shortcuts if you’d like to learn more. There are dozens of other shortcuts you can use, but these are some of the most important.

In the end, it’ll save time, frustration, and keep you from having to retrain what may be years of muscle memory. Take advantage of the provision to remap modifier keys inside of OS X’s System Preferences. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to use a great keyboard just because it was originally designed for Windows. The bottom line is that there are plenty of great keyboards out there that are designed to be used on Windows machines. Step 5: Click OK and close System Preferences. Step 4: For the Command (⌘) Key setting, select (⌥) Option. Step 3: For the Option (⌥) Key setting, select ⌘ Command. Step 2: Select your third-party Windows keyboard via the Select keyboard drop down box. Step 1: Open System Preferences → Keyboard → Modifier Keys. Fortunately, there is a dead-simple fix for this issue. Such a little thing, the swapping of the Command and Option keys, can cause trouble for someone who’s been typing on a Mac for years. Modifier key arrangement differences between Mac and Windows: No shortcut: Cmd+, comma (Chrome, Desktop), Option+Cmd+, comma (Safari, Firefox) Project Options: No shortcut: Shift+Cmd+, comma Help: Description Windows & Linux Mac Show Keyboard Shortcut Reference: Alt+Shift+K: Option+Shift+K: Search R Help: Ctrl+Alt+F1: Ctrl+Option+F1: Find in Help Topic: Ctrl+F: Cmd+F: Previous Help Topic: Shift+Alt. The problem stems from their arrangement on the keyboard.

Scroll down in the To key column on the right and select Special: Right Alt. Click Type Key under the From key column on the left.

Advertisement Next, click the Add button again. The problem isn’t the function of the keys, because as we discussed, from a pure functionality standpoint, the modifier keys (Control, Option, Command) all map 1:1. Press the Command key at the right side of your keyboard and then click OK. For example, the Control (⌃) key does the same thing on a Mac that it does on Windows, the Option (⌥) key on Mac does the same thing as the Alt key on Windows, and the Command (⌘) key on Mac does the same thing as the Windows key. All of the modifier keys on a Windows keyboard map 1:1 with the keys on a Mac from a functionality standpoint. Instead of the friendly ⌃, ⌥, and ⌘ keys, I was presented with Control, Windows, and Alt keys. Immediately, I could sense relief in my wrists, but because this was a keyboard designed for Windows and not for Mac, the switch presented a whole new problem. I just so happened to have an AmazonBasics wired keyboard available thanks to my recent Hackintosh build, so I decided to use it with my Mac. The shallow key travel of the MacBook’s keyboard is partly to blame. The reason behind such a change was that my MacBook Pro’s keyboard was causing wrist pain. Over the last few days I’ve been finding myself using a keyboard designed for Windows users on my Mac.